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Greening of State Government

Although the Governor’s executive orders related to the Greening of State Government don’t technically apply to Higher Education, the approach at UNC for many years has been to achieve similar goals.

As far back as the 1980s, UNC implemented extensive energy conservation measures to reduce energy usage in our buildings. UNC Design Guidelines have specified high efficiency motors, energy saving lighting, water saving plumbing fixtures and similar measures since the early 1990’s. Many rebates have been received from our electric and water utilities due to implementation of these guidelines on our capital projects.

The UNC recycling program was created in 2002 and has grown steadily over the years.
In 2003, as part of several Energy Performance Contracts, UNC hired our first Resource Conservation Manager for the campus. The Resource Conservation Manager is charged with providing education to the campus occupants as well as monitoring energy usage and implementing new conservation projects on campus.

The Energy Performance Contracts included water conservation measures, lighting upgrades, HVAC and building automation upgrades in 15 major campus buildings.

We are in the process of implementing a new Energy Cap software program which will improve our ability to monitor and report on energy usage on campus.

Several campus buildings have been “re-commissioned,” a process, which systematically reviews HVAC and control systems for proper operation and sequence of control. Any portions of the system, which are not functioning properly, are then repaired and upgraded as needed.

Summary of Greening of State Government Executive Orders

Download The Greening of State Government to read the complete document.

Energy management

Energy Management

  • By fiscal year 2011-2012 achieve at least a 20 percent reduction in energy consumption of state facilities below fiscal year 2005-2006 levels.
  • By January 2008 develop or update an energy management plan and ensure development of a study determining the feasibility of energy performance contracting for all state owned facilities.
  • On an ongoing basis, assess and implement where effective, the development of state renewable energy projects with the support of the Governors Energy Office.

Materials management

Materials and Resource Management

  • By fiscal year 2008-2009, develop purchasing policies to reduce the state’s environmental impact as a consumer or products and services
  • Adopt a goal of “zero waste” from construction of new buildings and operation  and renovation of existing facilities
  • Achieve a paper use reduction goal of 20% by fiscal year 2011-2012 using fiscal year 2005-2006 as a baseline
  • Achieve a reduction of water consumption goal of 10% by fiscal year 2011-2012 using fiscal year 2005-2006 as a baseline
  • The Department of Personnel, in cooperation with the Department of Public Health and Environment, shall develop purchasing policies for selecting environmentally preferable products

Gas station

Vehicle Petroleum Consumption and Fleet Efficiency

  • By June 30, 2012, achieve a 25% volumetric reduction in petroleum consumption by state vehicles measured against a fiscal year 2005-2006 baseline, while increasing efficiency of the fleet (excluding vehicles used for law enforcement, emergency response , road maintenance and highway construction)
  • By December 1, 2007, complete a transportation efficiency audit addressing methods for improving the environmental efficiency of the state fleet.
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